Specialist Outpatient Cardiological Clinic SANOCARD has provided diagnostics and treatment in cardiology continuously since 2001, based on contracts with the Polish Government's National Health Fund (NFZ, and its predecessor).
Operating hours
Under the agreement with the National Health Fund (NFZ), we provide cardiological services according to the following schedule:
We perform the following diagnostic procedures within the framework of our contract with the National Health Fund (NFZ):
- electrocardiography (ECG),
- 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring,
- 24-hour Holter ambulatory blood pressure monitoring,
- echocardiography (ultrasound),
- cardiac stress test on a treadmill.
Appointments can be made in person or through a representative:
- directly at the Clinic (on the fourth floor of the building),
- through the phone (📞
) during normal operating hours, or
- via email (📧
The following information needs to be provided during registration for an appointment: the patient's name, surname, personal identifying number (PESEL, or equivalent), electronic referral code, and a contact telephone number.
Should the patient need to cancel the appointment, please inform the Clinic at least two days in advance.
Before the first visit
Before coming to the first appointment, please prepare the medical documentation, including:
- medical charts from any inpatient (hospital) treatments,
- all past medical test results,
- recent blood test results:
- complete (full) blood count (CBC; Polish: morfologia),
- erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR; Polish: OB),
- glucose,
- creatinine,
- uric acid (Polish: kwas moczowy),
- lipid profile,
- electrolytes,
- thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
- recent urine test,
- chest X-ray (no more than two years old),
- ophthalmoscopy (funduscopy; Polish: badanie dna oka),
- filled table of serial blood pressure measurements, in case of blood hypertension.
Sample of the serial blood pressure measurements table can be downloaded by clicking below:
We provide urgent medical assistance in emergencies that occur in or near our clinic, and we organise medical transport to the hospital. Our equipment includes, for example, a defibrillator. However, if you are outside of the building, then in order to obtain the fastest and most effective medical care, please call the emergency number 999 or 112.
Poradnia Kardiologiczna
Os. Na Skarpie 6
31-909 Kraków
(IV piętro)

© Sanocard 2021